Fall/Winter Timetable

POL486H1S L0101

Graduate Course Code: POL2205H1S L0101

Topics in International Politics I

Democracy and the International System


This class examines the role of the international system in the development of democratic regimes. While most theories of democracy focus on internal factors like economic development, civil society, and class conflict, this course will step outside the state to focus on international influences. We will examine how external factors like wars, economic crises, cross-border diffusion, and international institutions guide domestic reforms. The main goal of the course is to connect two prominent trends in modern politics – increasing convergence among states, and increasing democratization within them – in order to promote a better understanding of each.


Course Pack

Format and Requirements

Format: discussion. Requirements: participation, short essays, final exam.


POL208H1 or POL208Y1 or POL209H5 or POLB80H3