Fall/Winter Timetable

JRA2321H1F L5101

Topics in Comparative Politics 1

West European Politics


This course introduces students to the main political institutions, processes and policies in Western Europe, with a particular focus on Spain, Portugal and Italy. It is divided into four parts. Firstly, students will be presented with some common methodological approaches to the comparative study of political systems. Secondly, we will review relevant institutions in selected countries, such as models of government, party systems, voting behavior, and territorial organization and decentralization. Thirdly, certain topics will be compared across these countries, migration, the Euro, and social policy among them. Lastly, the course will present the main characteristics of the European integration process, the current strategy of austerity and its consecuences for national politics in each country.



Format and Requirements

Requirements consist of (1) participation in the class discussions (20%), (2) a brief presentation on one of the subjects addressed in the lectures (20%), (3) a formal research proposal of 3-5 pages, including a preliminary title, an abstract, a description of methodology, and a short list of preliminary references (15%), and (4) a research paper of 20-25 pages building on the previous research proposal (45%). All these exercises must be completed to receive credit for the course.