Fall/Winter Timetable

JPF2430Y1Y L0101

Undergraduate Course Code: JPF455Y1Y L0101



The course seeks to improve knowledge on disciplinary and developmental boundaries as they relate to cities. By bringing together guest lecturers from related disciplines who focus on cities in their work, be it within Political Science, History, Philosophy, Literature, Design, Environment and Health, Geography or Social Work, the course will explore an emerging set of issues which fall within critical interdisciplinary spaces, including cities in a global context; cities and climate change; cities and governance; cities and poverty; design and urban form of cities; infrastructure and services; cities and philosophy; transport; cities and economic development; and, physical form, territory and the political-economy of cities. (Given by the Departments of Literature, Philosophy, Political Science, Urban Studies, Faculty of Social Work and Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design).


Readings are detailed in a reading list distributed in class.

Format and Requirements

Course work consists of term reports and one final research paper plus full participation in the seminars.