Featured Faculty: Canada’s 2015 Federal Election

August 4, 2015

This past weekend, Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and officially begin the longest election campaign in modern Canadian political history.

As a department recognized to be at the forefront of political scholarship, we know that our faculty members will be consulted by many different media outlets (mainstream and alternative press) for commentary and analysis of the latest happenings on the campaign hustings. To keep up to date on what our faculty members are saying about the election, please visit our News.Politics Digest. That page will be updated regularly and will act as a kind of digital encyclopaedia, where all of these articles can be found to keep you up to date.

Our team of professors, with a specialization in Canada, ranks among the best in the country. From issues as diverse as the ‘economy’, ‘environment’,’democratic reform’, and other areas of public policy, we have access to experts that will both shape and inform the intellectual debate that encompasses this election.

Our specialists include: